Award for e⁠-⁠training on "Female Leadership"

Kristina Behrend

The Society for Pedagogy, Information and Media ("Gesellschaft für Pädagogik, Information und Medien e. V. - GPI") has awarded PINKTUM for the 10th time in a row for its digital learning offering. This year, it awarded the Comenius EduMedia Seal of Approval to the e⁠-⁠training "Female Leadership - Successful Leadership Despite Gender Barriers".

Time and again, women in leadership positions encounter gender-related difficulties that they can overcome with targeted tips and exercises. That's why PINKTUM, one of the leading providers of sustainable soft skills development, has developed the e⁠-⁠training "Female Leadership - Successfully leading despite gender barriers". This has now been awarded the Comenius EduMedia Seal by the Gesellschaft für Pädagogik, Information und Medien e. V. (GPI) for its high didactic and media quality. The international jury evaluated around 200 submissions from eight countries according to pedagogical, didactical, aesthetic and technical criteria. For the 10th time, PINKTUM was able to convince in this awarding process.

On June 22, 2023, the digital personnel developer PINKTUM accepted the Comenius EduMedia Seal at the Chamäleon Theater in the Hackesche Höfe in Berlin. According to GPI, the award is the only European media prize that is awarded independently of providers and manufacturers. Publishers, projects and authors submit their digital educational products.


PINKTUM is one of the leading providers for the sustainable development of soft skills in companies. As part of its digital learning paths, customers have access to an internationally award-winning online library of around 600 video-based, interactive e⁠-⁠trainings, which are available in several culturally adapted languages. In addition, PINKTUM supplements sustainable training with face-to-face modules. An in-house research institute provides up-to-date findings for optimized HR development.

PINKTUM is the brand name of Pink University GmbH, which was founded in 2010 and currently has 150 employees at 16 locations worldwide. The CEO is Joachim Pawlik. The company's headquarters are located in Hamburg and Munich. The company is part of the PAWLIK Group.

Press contact PINKTUM

Pink University GmbH

Kristina Behrend

Head OF Communications

+49 89 547 278 44 18

+49 (0)171 930 20 40

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